We Do

Design & Promotion of industrial brands

How to make industrial brands and products attractive?
How to present and promote industrial brands?
What technology should be used to build an image of products?
Since 2000
We create
and promote industrial brands:

Brands from visiting cards to buildings


Creating new brands/Rebranding

Industrial Design

New vision from idea to prototypes

Vision of new products
and technologies

Interactive, VR, AR, Installations, Movies


Presentations of companies, projects, products, technologies


Presentations of companies, products, technologies

Stands, Pavilions, Installations, Content

Combining products, examples, multimedia, elements of art and show


The most effective way to present your company 24/7/365

Complex of activities, including digital, expo, multimedia and direct

Full project support in B2B

Interiors support
Interactive catalouges


3D animation
2D design

3D design

Interactive graphics
Expo graphics
We develop different types of multimedia content:
Roscongress Foundation, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, Gazprom Neft, RITEK, Tatneft, Gazprom space systems, PAO NOVATEK, Russian Railways, RUSNANO group, Rosenergoatom, Concern RTI, Moscow Government, Skolkovo, Government of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan City Administration, Russian Export Center, Oboronprom, Rostec, Concern Radio-Electronic Technologies, Technodinamika, Russian Helicopters, United Engine Corporation, Russian Space Systems, KBP, Shvabe, VEB, Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant, TMK, Rimera Group, Alnas, M-Allianse, INTEGRA, KAMAZ, EMERSON, HENKEL MAKROFLEX, Baker Huges, TADEM, ROSSKAT, TIAL, KAMA, M-I SWACO, TNK-BP, BKE, Oil Technology Overseas, KMPO, EPK, OMZ, MECHEL, Criogenmash, DIPOS, RENOVA, Safplast, NPF Paker, Volgaburmash, Borets, OSTEC, Stroytransgaz, ISCRATEL, Transtelecom, IMS, ZENIT Bank, UCB, Payment System MIR, TASS, Dynamika Group, MMZ Vpered, OKB Kristall, OZMK, Henk Group, Deceuninck, Rockwool, Knauf, Terratech, TOROS, Tabula Sense, Yugra Expo.
Our Clients

We are based in Moscow, Russian Federation.
We work with technological leaders, industrial corporations, innovation centers and startups.
B2B is our main experience.

We Are
Design & Production bureau